The Digital Dilemma: 90% Parents Concerned Over Kids Screen Use

Picture this: it’s a typical evening in your household. The time has come for your children to wind down after a long day at school or daycare. But instead of engaging in traditional activities like reading a book, playing with lego blocks, or even chasing siblings around the house, their attention is captivated by screens. Sound familiar?

If you’re like most parents in today’s digital age, the answer is a resounding “yes.” According to the Royal Children’s Hospital March 2021 child health poll, over 90% of parents surveyed expressed concerns about the excessive screen time their children are exposed to on a daily basis. As we continue to navigate this ever-evolving digital landscape, it’s crucial to curate a healthy balance between screen time and other aspects of our children’s lives.

The Royal Children’s Hospital poll shed light on the pressing concerns parents have regarding screen time. It’s not surprising that excessive indulgence in screens can have detrimental effects on our children’s health and overall wellbeing. From sleep disruptions to sedentary lifestyles and decreased physical activity, the impact is far-reaching.

Understanding Parental Concerns

The first step towards understanding parental concerns about screen use is recognizing the ever-increasing amount of time children spend in front of screens. It’s no secret that screens have become an integral part of our children’s lives, and recent statistics confirm this trend. Whether it’s online learning, social media, gaming, or streaming platforms, screens have infiltrated almost every aspect of their daily routines.

So, why exactly are parents so worried about their child’s screen use? Let’s take a closer look at some of the underlying reasons:

Excessive screen time doesn't
just affect children; it also has an impact on the parent-child relationship.

The Rise of Screen Time:
7 Ways Screen Time is Harming Your Little Ones Development

1. Physical Health and Well-being

One of the biggest concerns parents have is the potential impact of excessive screen time on their child’s health and overall well-being.

It’s no secret that kids love lounging on the couch with a tablet or smartphone in hand. However, this sedentary lifestyle can cause a host of problems for their physical health and overall well-being. Excessive screen time leads to a lack of physical activity, which can contribute to obesity, muscular-skeletal issues, and poor motor skills. 

Additionally, irregular sleeping patterns and obesity have also been linked to excessive screen use. It’s no wonder that parents are worried about these potential consequences.

2. Social and Emotional Development Worries

Another area of concern revolves around the impact of excessive screen time on a child’s development. Imagine a world where kids don’t get ample opportunities to interact with their peers, develop important social skills, and understand empathy.

Unfortunately, excessive screen time is robbing them of exactly that. When children spend too much time in front of screens, they miss out on valuable face-to-face interactions that are crucial for their social development. Instead of learning to read body language, interpret facial expressions, and engage in meaningful conversations, they become engrossed in virtual worlds that fail to provide the same depth of human connection.

3. Slower Brain Development

The negative impact of excessive screen time extends beyond social development and seeps into the cognitive realm as well.

Studies have shown that prolonged screen time can hinder a child’s attention span, memory, and problem-solving abilities. Their young minds become overwhelmed with the constant stimulation provided by screens, which prevents them from focusing on important tasks and acquiring new information.

Additionally, excessive screen time has been linked to delays in language acquisition and reduced creativity.

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4. Child Can Feel Isolated and Neglected

Excessive screen time has the potential to make children feel neglected.  Studies have shown that when children spend too much time watching TV, playing video games, or using their phones, they may begin to feel a sense of isolation and lack of attention from their parents.  This could be because excessive screen time can lead to fewer chances to interact with others and develop good communication skills. It also means less time for physical activities and exploring new things.

5. Psychological and Behavioral Issues

Excessive screen time has been linked to a range of psychological and behavioural issues in young children. Anxiety and depression have been found to have a higher prevalence among kids who spend excessive amounts of time in front of screens. Additionally, studies have shown a correlation between screen time and behavioural problems such as aggression and attention deficits. Finding a balance between screen usage and real-world experiences is crucial for promoting your child’s mental well-being.

6. Sleep Disruption

Bedtime can quickly turn into a battle of wills for parents and children alike, and excessive screen time is often to blame. The blue light emitted by screens interferes with the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep, making it harder for children to fall asleep and experience restful, rejuvenating slumber. So when bedtime rolls around, it’s important to establish screen-free routines to ensure your little ones can drift off into dreamland peacefully.

7. Online Safety Fears

With the growing presence of the internet in our daily lives, parents are understandably concerned about their child’s online safety. Cyberbullying, exposure to inappropriate content, and privacy concerns are just a few of the worries that keep parents up at night. The digital landscape presents numerous risks, and parents want to ensure their children are protected from potential harm.

Strategies to Benefit
From Screen Time

It’s important for parents to take proactive steps to address child screen addiction and provide a beneficial online experience. Here are some strategies to help benefit from screen time:

1. Try Focusing On Developing Skills

Motivate your kids to discover and interact with educational applications, online lessons or creative platforms that foster learning and the improvement of skills.

Montessori Online provide excellent Learn-through-play activities to turn unproductive time spent on screens into valuable experiences that enrich their understanding and abilities.

2. Choose Active Screen time instead of passive screen time

When it comes to screen time, opting for active engagement is considered more beneficial for children compared to passive consumption. Active screen time involves interactive activities, such as playing educational games, creative content creation, or engaging in virtual sports and fitness programs. These activities not only ensure children remain physically engaged but also promote cognitive development, problem-solving skills, and enhance hand-eye coordination.

At Montessori Online, we provide daily activities for your child to participate in. We combine screen time with Active Learning to help your child develop properly.

3. Fun and Educational Offline Activities for Younger Children

For younger children, engaging their creativity and imagination is key. Arts and crafts, pretend play, building blocks, puzzles, and outdoor activities like hide-and-seek or scavenger hunts can keep them enthralled and foster their cognitive development.

Montessori Learn-through-play system offers a wide range of fun and engaging offline activities to do on a daily basis.


As parents, it’s important to recognize the negative repercussions that excessive screen time can have on our little ones’ development. By limiting screen time and encouraging healthy alternatives such as learn-through-play, physical activities, and face-to-face interactions, we can ensure a more well-rounded and holistic growth experience for our children.

So, next time you’re tempted to hand your young one a screen for entertainment, remember the importance of moderation and remember that there is a whole world waiting to be explored beyond the digital realm.

Thank you for joining us today as we shed light on the impact of excessive screen time on children under the age of 6. Stay tuned for more insightful articles and helpful tips on parenting in the digital age!

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